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স্থাপত্য কাজে 3Ds Max

3ds max junior arch

3ds Max কি? 3ds Max হল একটি পেশাদার থ্রিডি মডেলিং, অ্যানিমেশন এবং রেন্ডারিং সফটওয়্যার। এটি অটোডেস্ক দ্বারা তৈরি এবং ব্যবহৃত হয় আর্কিটেকচার, ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, এবং বিনোদন শিল্পে। 3ds Max দিয়ে আপনি থ্রিডি অবজেক্ট, চরিত্র, এবং পরিবেশ তৈরি করতে পারেন, যা বাস্তবসম্মত…

Post Six

TidyCal Best for Whom? In a word, it’s helpful for Marketing agencies, Product managers, Sales managers If you have a small or big agency. Or you work from home and your clients are from different countries and you need to have daily meetings with them in time. And…

Post Five

TidyCal Best for Whom? In a word, it’s helpful for Marketing agencies, Product managers, Sales managers If you have a small or big agency. Or you work from home and your clients are from different countries and you need to have daily meetings with them in time. And…

Post Four

TidyCal Best for Whom? In a word, it’s helpful for Marketing agencies, Product managers, Sales managers If you have a small or big agency. Or you work from home and your clients are from different countries and you need to have daily meetings with them in time. And…

Post Three

TidyCal Best for Whom? In a word, it’s helpful for Marketing agencies, Product managers, Sales managers If you have a small or big agency. Or you work from home and your clients are from different countries and you need to have daily meetings with them in time. And…

Post 2 Help!

TidyCal Best for Whom? In a word, it’s helpful for Marketing agencies, Product managers, Sales managers If you have a small or big agency. Or you work from home and your clients are from different countries and you need to have daily meetings with them in time. And…

Post one Help!

What is TidyCal? TidyCal Best for Whom? In a word, it’s helpful for Marketing agencies, Product managers, Sales managers If you have a small or big agency. Or you work from home and your clients are from different countries and you need to have daily meetings with…